Bid Opportunities

Request for Proposals 
RFP #24-006
Texas Leadership Public Schools is issuing a Request for Proposals for state required safety and security upgrades to Exterior Doors. The objective of this project is to upgrade or replace Exterior Doors to make them more secure. The project aims to increase the security of the building by making it difficult for unauthorized persons to gain entry.

To request an RFP package, please contact Carla Montanez at (325)653-3200 ext. 7045 or at The deadline for proposals to be submitted is Monday, May 20, 2024, by 10:00 am CST and will be opened at 3522 W. 306 Loop, San Angelo, Texas 76904.

The school reserves the right to reject any or all responses to this RFP, waive technicalities, re-advertise, or proceed otherwise wherein the school's best interest. Proposals should be emailed to [email protected] with subject line: RFP #24-006. Late responses will not be accepted.
Request for Proposals 
RFP #24-007
Texas Leadership Public Schools is issuing a Request for Proposals for state required safety and security upgrades to Ground Level Windows. The objective of this project is to repair or replace ground level windows to make them more secure. The project aims to increase the security of the building by making it difficult for unauthorized persons to gain entry.

To request an RFP package, please contact Carla Montanez at (325)653-3200 ext. 7045 or at The deadline for proposals to be submitted is Tuesday, May 21, 2024, by 10:00 am CST and will be opened at 3522 W. 306 Loop, San Angelo, Texas 76904.

The school reserves the right to reject any or all responses to this RFP, waive technicalities, re-advertise, or proceed otherwise wherein the school's best interest. Proposals should be emailed to [email protected] with subject line: RFP #24-007. Late responses will not be accepted.